President's Message

Date: 01/03/2022
Dear Member,
Greetings and good wishes!
The much eagerly awaited opening of our Gymkhana finally became a reality on 27* of Dec.
when the new classy look Gymkhana was opened for members on that day.
Eventually it was worth the wait, as the stunning ambience, subtle decor and vibrant
atmosphere is
being very well appreciated by all those who have visited the Gymkhana.
Managing Committee is extremely pleased with the fact despite facing severe constraints,
turbulences and unexpected delays due to the Pandemic, the Committee was able to deliver
the new
bridal look gymkhana to its members, to their utmost satisfaction.
Now, after fulfilling the initial commitment made to you of presenting to you with a
state of the art
Gymkhana, which is slowly turning into an ICONIC structure, we are now moving towards
proving to
our members with the promised Preferential Child membership and also offering other
schemes, which includes one time offer for Child/Children Preferential Life Membership
at a very
nominal, affordable and modest prices.
The details for the Preferential Child Membership and other amnesty schemes are
mentioned in this
brochure annexed herewith for ready reference.
We have updated our website with the new look gymkhana.
We will also be launching our Mobile App very soon to facilitate data of gymkhana
updates, news,
payments and other details from time to time
We request you to download the App once it is launched, as it will be of immense use to
you to stay
connected with the Gymkhana.
Assuring you of our continued efforts in providing you with the best of amenities,
facilities and
We wish to thank you for your trust, confidence and patience that you have reposed in
our Managing
With warm regards,
Jayyannt Lapsia
One moment of patience may ward off great disaster. One moment of impatience may ruin a whole Life